L-com Adds Additional USB 3.0 Vision Cable Options

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

NORTH ANDOVER, MA - 05/22/14 - L-com, Inc., a designer and manufacturer of wired and wireless connectivity products, announced today that they are now offering two new USB 3.0 vision cable options. The advantage of these cables is that they feature thumbscrew hardware on both ends of the flex, as opposed to on one end only. The use of 30 micro-inch gold-plated contacts also ensures reliable connections with repeated mating cycles.

"Since these USB cables have thumbscrews on both sides of the cable, they provide customers with an enhanced level of security for their application," said Steve Smith, Product Manager.
Due to their secure fit, L-com envisions the USB 3.0 cables will be of value in applications where engineers are concerned about USB's friction fit mating. L-com's cables will lock down to prevent becoming unmated in more demanding environments where vibration and jostling occurs.
The new family types added to the USB 3.0 vision cable line up include Type A-B with thumbscrews and Type A-Micro B with thumbscrews. Both cable families are offered in a range of cable lengths, from 0.3-5.0 meters.

The USB 3.0 Vision cables were originally designed by the AIA (Automated Imaging Association) to support the machine vision camera market. L-com is a member of the AIA trade group and ensures all their products are built precisely to the AIA's specifications. USB 3.0 cables are up to ten times faster than USB 2.0, a difference of 4.8 Gbps versus 480 Mbps. This increased bandwidth substantially reduces the time taken to transfer large amounts of data or video.

For more information about this release, please contact:
Peter McNeil, Product Marketing Manager
978-682-6936 x1450, pmcneil@l-com.com

About L-com Global Connectivity

L-com Global Connectivity, a global leader in the manufacture of wired and wireless connectivity products, offers a wide range of solutions and unrivaled customer service for the electronics and data communications industries. The company's product portfolio includes cable assemblies, connectors, adapters, computer networking components, and custom products, as well as their HyperLink® brand of wireless products which include antennas, RF amplifiers, coaxial lightning and surge protectors, and NEMA rated enclosures. L-com's HyperLink® wireless products are designed for WiFi, WiMAX, SCADA, 802.11a/b/g/n/ac, RFID and Bluetooth applications. In addition to HyperLink®, L-com's other brands include MilesTek®, specialists in Military/Aeronautics connectivity solutions and Aiconics®, a leading manufacturer of electrical connector products.  Trusted for over 30 years, L-com, which is headquartered in North Andover, MA, is ISO 9001: 2008 certified and many of its products are UL® recognized For more information, please visit:  http://www.L-com.com/
