Case Study - Wireless Utility Metering



Unless you live off the grid, you probably use some type of utility service, whether it’s electricity, gas, water or all of the above.  For many utility companies, meters are still checked manually by a person walking house-to-house. But like so many businesses, utility providers are turning to technology for a better way to monitor meters.




Mueller Systems is one such company. They provide utility companies and municipalities with innovative metering solutions to improve the delivery and use of water and energy. The Mueller Infrastructure Network, Mi.Net®, is a highly efficient communications network that fully automates the meter-reading-to-billing process. It is flexible and scalable, which allows the new technology to be implemented in stages as budgets allow.




The problem Mueller Systems was facing was that they needed a high-performance, robust, 900MHz Omni-directional antenna to support their wireless metering system. Not only did the antenna need to fully integrate into the Mi.Net® system, it also needed to withstand the environment and have enough gain and coverage to support Non-Line of Sight (NLOS) and mobile applications.




Fortunately, L-com’s 800/900 MHz HGV-906U Omni-directional antenna was up to the task. This antenna has all of the capabilities needed by Mueller Systems, including superior all-weather performance. L-com’s high-performance, low-loss coaxial cables were also used to connect the antenna to the Mi.Net® repeaters.




With the help of L-com’s antenna and cables, Mueller Systems is now able to offer their customers a complete wireless monitoring system that reduces cost, increases efficiency, conserves resources and improves customer relations for utility services.




To read the entire case study, click here.




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